Arthur’s fist meme, explained (2024)

Over the course of its 25-year-run on PBS Kids, Arthur created a plethora of iconic memes that most of us are familiar with today. But one in particular took the internet by storm in 2016: a photo of Arthur’s fist. Though the still image came from a rather wholesome show for kids, there’s a somewhat dark backstory behind what would come to be known as the Arthur fist meme.

Sadly, in 2021, the network canceled Arthur. According to Variety, “original show developer Kathy Waugh broke the news in an interview on the Finding DW podcast with voice actor Jason Szwimmer,” opining that she thought PBS “made a mistake” and should revive it.

Thanks to the internet, however, its memories—and memes—will live until the end of time. Here’s everything you need to know about the viral Arthur fist meme:

Where did the Arthur fist meme originate?

The meme is based on a scene from the popular children’s TV show, Arthur, which according to TV Guide, the series began running on-air in 1996 and was based on books written by author Marc Brown.

The origin of this meme came from an episode in the show’s fourth season, titled “Arthur’s Big Hit.” Somewhat ironically, the fist image originated from one of the darker moments of the show, where the titular character punches his sister, DW, for breaking his toy airplane.

Here’s a clip if you’d like to watch the scene in full. Also, this episode was later given a rare TV-Y7 rating for cartoon violence!

What does the meme mean?

Arthur’s fist is mostly used as a reaction image, meaning that it helps portray a specific emotion accompanying something else that’s been said. For the most part, the fist meme is used to showcase frustration and/or anger.

How did the image of Arthur’s fist go viral?

The meme was first introduced to the internet by X user @AlmostJT in July 2016. Since then, it’s been used to accompany hundreds-of-thousands of posts.

This is just a pic of Arthur's fist but idk how I feel that it's just so relatable. So many emotions in one fist

— wtf tv is this (@AlmostJT) July 28, 2016

My greatest accomplishment of 2016 was creating the Arthur meme

— wtf tv is this (@AlmostJT) December 28, 2016

On Reddit, for instance, someone user used the Arthur fist meme accompanied with the caption: “When people say ‘Haramabe was just a gorilla,’” according to Know Your Meme. The post, of course, referenced the 17-year-old male gorilla who was fatally shot after a 4-year-old fell into his enclosure. (Harambe’s death sparked a plethora of memes, too.)

Arthur’s fist meme, explained (1)

X accounts like @Arthurs_hand and others increased the meme’s popularity as well. In the same year, both The Daily Dot and Paper Mag published articles about the meme craze. One article, by The Verge, even proclaimed that “The Arthur first meme is the best new meme in a long line of Arthur memes.”

Was it just Extremely Online internet users making this meme a sensation?

Not exactly! Some celebrities got in on the action, too.

Take singer John Legend, for example. In 2018, copious internet users were poking fun at the hitmaker and saying that he resembled the animated aardvark. Wanting to get in on the joke, Legend and his wife, Chrissy Teigen, paired up with Google Duo for an ad.

“I need some help. I’m trying to pick out an outfit,” Legend tells Teigen over Google Duo as she lay on their bed. After cycling through a number of outfits, the singer finally settled on one: a pair of blue pants and a yellow sweater vest, which caused Teigen to scream “Arthur!” The end of the ad shows a close-up of Legend clenching his fist, a salute to the meme.

Thanks to #GoogleDuo, my stylist is always on-call. #ad

— John Legend (@johnlegend) April 25, 2018

And in 2017, Lebron James posted a photo of the meme to his Instagram feed with the caption “mood…”

At the time, many fans took the cryptic post to mean that James was frustrated with his team. He later admitted, however, that he was simply a fan of the children’s TV show. (We’re not sure that we buy this explanation, though.)

How can I use this meme?

Like most memes and reaction images, there’s really no right or wrong way to make use of the Arthur fist meme. If you want to help ensure virality, though, it might be best to use the image when you’re frustrated or in a frustrating situation. The good (and sort of bad) thing about this particular meme is that is there are many occasions to use it, and people have gotten creative with it over the years. In other words, there’s no indication it’s going out of style anytime soon.

Editor’s note: This article is regularly updated for relevance.

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*First Published:

Alexandra Samuels

Alexandra Samuels is a national political reporter and contributor to the Daily Dot, where she started as an intern covering politics in the summer of 2016. She enjoys all things Marvel, keeping up with the latest TikTok trends, long walks with her pup, and reading murder-mystery novels.

Arthur’s fist meme, explained (2024)


Arthur’s fist meme, explained? ›

The origins of the Arthur fist

When was the Arthur Fist meme popular? ›

As you can see from this image, this meme hit its peak of popularity around August 7 to 13, 2016. This is quite accurate as the first tweet involving Arthur's fist came out back in July 27th, 2016. After that week, it had a significant dip and a lot of up and down motions according to the graph.

What is Arthur's meme? ›

Arthur's Fist is used to portray the emotions of infuriation and/or frustration. The original “Arthur's Fist” meme. First Use. Arthur's Fist was first used by twitter user @AlmostJT on July 27, 2016.

What does Arthur mean fist? ›

The origins of the Arthur fist

The meme in question traces back to an episode titled "Arthur's Big Hit". In this episode, Arthur Read, the character, punches his younger sister, D.W., for breaking his model airplane. This scene, where Arthur clenches his fist, would later be turned into the widely popular gif.

What does a clenched fist indicate? ›

It is a common symbol representing a wide range of political ideologies, most notably socialism, communism, anarchism, and trade unionism, and can also be used as a salute expressing unity, strength, or resistance.

What animal is Arthur? ›

Arthur Read, the series' titular character, is an anthropomorphic brown aardvark who lives in the fictional town of Elwood City. He is a third-grade student at Lakewood Elementary School.

Why did Arthur hit DW? ›

Then, Arthur goes outside with D.W. only to find out his plane broke. Later, Arthur furiously says to D.W. "I told you NOT TO TOUCH IT!" and angrily punches her in the arm.

What was Arthur's sister's name? ›

Read (Michael Caloz) - D.W. is Arthur's sister. She usually tattles on her brother Arthur. Her full name is Dora Winifred Read.

What was Arthur's last words? ›

1 Arthur Morgan
First"I Found A Place Where We Can Get Some Shelter. Let Davey Rest While He… You Know."
Last"John Made It. He's The Only One. Rest Of Us… No. But I Tried. In The End, I Did."
Mar 30, 2023

Is Arthur a bad guy? ›

Arthur is presented as a cold, wrathful and brooding outlaw, who is fully willing to resort to threats and violence if somebody angers him. Although he seems like a despicable person at first, while showing no remorse whatsoever for the people he has killed.

Who is Arthur's crush? ›

Sally MacGill is Arthur's babysitter in "Crushed". She is a 16-year-old bear hired by Arthur's parents. Arthur developed a crush on her because of her skill in video games.

What does clench your fist mean? ›

Meaning of clench your fist in English

to press your fingers tightly against the palm (= inside part) of your hand, often because you are angry: She stood there clenching and unclenching her fists, just boiling over with rage. The doctor asked me to clench my fist before she took the blood sample. See.

What does clenched like a fist mean? ›

Being in the clenched fists state equates to close-mindedness — an unwillingness to embrace (or sometimes even explore) new possibilities. It's a defensive stance, the expectation and assumption that almost everything that comes one's way is an attack on one's position or values.

What did the black gloved and raised clenched fists symbolize? ›

Option A) Black power – is a correct answer because the black gloved and raised clenched fists of Tommie Smith and John Carlos were meant to symbolize black power. Black power is a political and racial slogan which is given to various associated beliefs.

What does a closed fist mean in body language? ›

Clenched fists can suggest anger or frustration, especially in someone trying to suppress these emotions. You might notice their facial expression remains neutral, even relaxed. Instinctively touching the cheek might signal that someone is considering something carefully or has a lot of interest in what you're saying.

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