Collaborative Reform Initiative for Technical Assistance Center (2024)

Collaborative Reform Initiative for Technical Assistance Center (1)

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is committed to ensuring that law enforcement agencies across the nation serve all people with fair, equitable, and effective public safety practices. To that end, the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) offers the Collaborative Reform Initiative Continuum of Technical Assistance Services to assist law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve in identifying and implementing organizational improvements and reforms through training, consultation, peer-based learning, analysis, and in-depth assessments.

The COPS Office Collaborative Reform Initiative is structured as a continuum of services offered to law enforcement agencies on a strictly voluntary basis. The three programs along the continuum offer services that range in time and complexity all designed to meet the following goals:

Goal 1

Build trust between police and the communities they serve

Goal 2

Improve fairness, effectiveness, and efficiency in agency operations

Goal 3

Enhance officer safety and wellness

Goal 4

Build agencies’ capacity for organizational learning and self-improvement

Goal 5

Promote community policing practices nationwide

  • Collaborative Reform Initiative Technical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC) offers training and TA on a request-and-deliver basis through a consortium of law enforcement stakeholder associations, subject matter experts (SME), and training providers. These engagements are narrowly scoped and conducted at the pace of the requesting agency.
  • The Critical Response program offers an intermediate form of technical assistance that includes issue-specific or after action reviews and reports or targeted assistance in the wake of a critical incident. In contrast to Organizational Assessment, this program does not involve on-going implementation and technical assistance in the long term.
  • The Organizational Assessment program offers a more intensive form of technical assistance, involving in-depth assessments and technical assistance on systemic issues that challenge community trust and confidence. These engagements are the most comprehensive.

Although the programs along the continuum are complementary, each serves a distinct level of technical assistance need. Each of the three programs contribute to the prescribed goals by assisting participating law enforcement agencies make small and large-scale improvements and reforms on a proactive, collaborative, and voluntary basis.

  • Resource Referral
  • Conference Support
  • Meeting Facilitation
  • Training (web-based or in person)
  • Mentoring
  • Executive Consultation
  • Peer Exchanges
  • Policy Assistance
  • Needs Assessment
  • Strategic Planning

  • Facilitated Conversations
  • Data Analysis and Bias Audits
  • Critical Incident After-Action Review
  • Issue-Specific Review of Operations

  • Organizational Assessment
  • Produces Findings and Recommendations
  • Public Reporting
  • On-Going Assistance to Implement Improvements

View recap

  • 2022

    Attorney General Garland announced the revamped Collaborative Reform Initiative. By reestablishing the services of the original Collaborative Reform Initiative and Critical Response program while continuing to sustain technical assistance supported through the CRI-TAC, the COPS Office offers a comprehensive continuum of services to law enforcement agencies nationwide—all under the banner of the COPS Office’s flagship TA program, the Collaborative Reform Initiative.

  • 2017 (December)

    COPS Office established the Collaborative Reform Initiative Technical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC) as a one-stop shop for law enforcement agencies requesting a variety of high quality, tailored training and technical assistance (TA) resources.

  • 2017 (September)

    At the direction of DOJ leadership, the COPS Office ended the Collaborative Reform

    and its partner Critical Response program. Upon the closure of the programs, the COPS Office initiated 17 Collaborative Reform sites and 13 Critical Response sites.

  • 2012

    COPS Office established the Critical Response program to provide limited assessments of key processes and procedures, as well as rapid technical assistance such as peer exchanges. The Critical Response program operated in parallel with Collaborative Reform and was designed to provide targeted technical assistance to law enforcement agencies dealing with high profile events, major incidents, or sensitive issues of varying need.

  • 2011

    COPS Office established the Collaborative Reform Initiative to help state and local law enforcement address issues that undermine public trust. This reform model offered an alternative to more adversarial litigation and enforcement actions.

Law enforcement agencies requesting services under this initiative must be ready to engage fully and establish it as a priority. Law enforcement agencies requesting participation in any Collaborative Reform Initiative program will undergo a standard approach for onboarding.

To submit a request under the COPS Office Collaborative Reform Initiative Continuum of Technical Assistance Services, please complete the following:

Submit Request for Assistance

If you wish to contact the COPS Office Collaborative Reform Initiative team, please email or call the COPS Office Response Center at 1-800-421-6770.

  • CRI Fact Sheet
  • Collaborative Reform Initiative Continuum of Technical Assistance Strategic Framework

The below table highlights sites that the COPS Office has conducted TA efforts with through the previous Collaborative Reform and Critical Response programs before 2018. To see active and closed sites under the revamped Collaborative Reform Initiative program, please visit the Organizational Assessment and Critical Response web pages. All CRI-TAC agencies can be found at the CRI-TAC map.

View sites


Legacy Program


TA Type(s)

Years Active

Link to Deliverable (if applicable)

Baltimore, MD Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Use of Force
  • Investigations
  • Complaint Process
  • Interactions with the Community
  • Community Policing Initiatives
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment (Partial Before the Civil Rights Division Opened A Civil Pattern or Practice Investigation)



Baltimore, MD Police Department

Critical Response

  • Labor Relations
  • Facilitated Discussions



Calexico, CA Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Community Engagement
  • Accountability, Oversight, and Transparency
  • Internal and External Investigations
  • Assessment
  • Technical Assistance
  • Implementation and Monitoring (Partial)


  • Collaborative Reform Initiative: An Assessment of the Calexico Police Department
  • Executive Summary: Recommendations on Advancing Community Policing in the Calexico Police Department (en español)

Chester, PA Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Community Relationships
  • Violent Crime
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Training and Professional Development
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment (Partial)



Cleveland, OH Division of Police

Critical Response

  • Large-Scale Events
  • Peer-to-Peer Exchanges
  • Consultation
  • Policy Development


Commerce City, CO Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Supervision and Management
  • Communication
  • Procedural Justice
  • Internal Affairs
  • Community Policing
  • Recruitment, Hiring, Retention, and Promotional Processes
  • Response to Calls for Service
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment (Partial)



Dearborn, MI Police Department

Critical Response

  • Officer-Involved Shootings
  • Use of Force
  • Community Engagement
  • Implicit Bias
  • Procedural Justice
  • Recruitment and Hiring
  • Assessment
  • Peer-to-Peer Exchanges
  • Consultation
  • Facilitated Discussions
  • Policy Review


Detroit, MI Police Department

Critical Response

  • Crime Reduction
  • Youth Engagement
  • Private/Public Partnerships
  • Peer-to-Peer Exchanges
  • Consultation



Fayetteville, NC Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Use of Force
  • Deadly Force Investigations
  • Community Engagement
  • Oversight and Monitoring of Uses of Force, Traffic Stops, and Pedestrian Stops
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment
  • Implementation and Monitoring (Partial)


Collaborative Reform Initiative: Assessment Report on the Fayetteville Police Department

Ferguson, MO Police Department

Critical Response

  • Analysis of Stops and Calls for Service
  • Community Engagement
  • Analysis
  • Consultation



Fort Pierce, FL Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Community Trust and Engagement
  • Vehicle and Pedestrian Stops
  • Use of Force
  • Personnel Practices and Training
  • Organizational Management
  • Partnerships
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment (Partial)



Las Vegas Metropolitan, NV Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Officer-Involved Shootings
  • Deadly Force
  • Officer Safety
  • Assessment
  • Implementation and Monitoring


  • Collaborative Reform Model: A Review of Officer-Involved Shootings in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
  • Collaborative Reform Model: Six Month Assessment Report of the Las Vegas Police Department
  • Collaborative Reform Model: Final Assessment Report of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
  • Assessment of the Collaborative Reform Initiative in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department: A Catalyst for Change

Memphis, TN Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Community Policing
  • Use of Force
  • Deadly Force
  • Supervision, Accountability, Learning, Remediation, and Discipline
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment (Partial)



Milwaukee, WI Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Recruitment, Hiring, and Personnel Practices
  • Community Policing
  • Use of Force and Deadly Force
  • Citizen Stop and Search Practices
  • Supervision, Accountability, Learning, Remediation, and Discipline
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment (Partial)



Minneapolis, MN Police Department

Critical Response

  • Mass Demonstrations
  • After Action Review


Maintaining First Amendment Rights and Public Safety in North Minneapolis: An After-Action Assessment of the Police Response to Protests, Demonstrations, and Occupation of the Minneapolis Police Department's Fourth Precinct

New Orleans, LA Police Department Training Academy

Critical Response

  • Analysis
  • Training
  • Analysis of Training Academy/Training



Newark, NJ Police Department

Critical Response

  • Community Policing
  • Training Development
  • Training Delivery


North Charleston, SC Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Community Policing
  • Use of Force
  • Citizen Complaint Process
  • Recruitment, Hiring, Promotions, and Personnel Practices
  • Impact of Enforcement Operations on Historically Marginalized and Discriminated Against Populations
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment (Partial)



Oglala Sioux Tribe, SD

Critical Response

  • Community Policing
  • Officer Wellness
  • Youth Suicides
  • Consultation
  • Strategic Planning
  • Training
  • Storytelling


Orlando, FL Police Department

Critical Response

  • Mass Casualty
  • After Action Review


Rescue, Response, and Resilience: A Critical Incident Review of the Orlando Public Safety Response to the Attack on the Pulse Nightclub

Pasco, WA Police Department

Critical Response

  • Community Engagement
  • Social Media
  • Procedural Justice
  • Assessment
  • Training
  • Strategic Planning
  • Consultation
  • Peer-to-Peer Exchange


Recommendations on Advancing Community Policing in the Pasco Police Department

Philadelphia, PA Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Deadly Force
  • Investigations
  • Use of Force Review Process
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment
  • Implementation and Monitoring (Partial)


  • An Assessment of Deadly Force in the Philadelphia Police Department
  • Collaborative Reform Initiative: Six-Month Assessment Report on the Philadelphia Police Department
  • Collaborative Reform Initiative: Interim Final Report of the Philadelphia Police Department

Police Response to Protests in Ferguson, MO

Critical Response

  • Mass Demonstrations
  • After Action Review


After-Action Assessment of the Police Response to the August 2014 Demonstrations in Ferguson, Missouri

Salinas, CA Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Responsiveness and Deployment of Resources
  • Use of Force
  • Communication
  • Community Trust and Engagement
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment
  • Implementation and Monitoring (Partial)


Collaborative Reform Initiative: An Assessment of the Salinas Police Department

San Bernardino, CA Police Department

Critical Response

  • Mass Casualty
  • After Action Review


Bringing Calm to Chaos: A Critical Incident Review of the San Bernardino Public Safety Response to the December 2, 2015, Terrorist Shooting Incident at the Inland Regional Center

San Diego, CA Police Department

Critical Response

  • Police Misconduct
  • Assessment


Critical Response Technical Assessment Review: Police Accountability - Findings and National Implications of an Assessment of the San Diego Police Department

San Francisco, CA Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Use of Force
  • Bias
  • Community Policing
  • Complaint and Disciplinary Processes
  • Recruitment, Hiring, and Personnel Practices
  • Supervision, Accountability, Learning, Remediation, and Discipline
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment
  • Implementation and Monitoring (Partial)


  • Collaborative Reform Initiative: An Assessment of the San Francisco Police Department
  • Executive Summary: An Assessment of the San Francisco Police Department
  • Executive Summary: An Assessment of the San Francisco Police Department (Cantonese)
  • Executive Summary: An Assessment of the San Francisco Police Department (en español)

San Francisco, CA Police Department

Critical Response

  • Leadership
  • Peer-to-Peer Exchange



Seattle, WA Police Department

Critical Response

  • Data Analysis
  • Peer-to-Peer Exchanges
  • Consultation



Spokane, WA Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Use of Force
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment
  • Implementation and Monitoring (Partial)


  • Collaborative Reform Model: A Review of Use of Force Policies, Processes, and Practices in the Spokane Police Department
  • Collaborative Reform Initiative: Six-Month Assessment Report on the Spokane Police Department

St. Anthony Village, MN Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Vehicle and Pedestrian Stops
  • Community Policing
  • Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotional Practices
  • Internal and External Complaints
  • Arrest and Traffic Stop Data
  • Performance Evaluations
  • Agreements with Contract Cities
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment (Partial)



St. Louis County, MO Police Department

Collaborative Reform

  • Fair and Impartial Policing, Community Engagement, and Partnership Development
  • Traffic Stops, Searches, and Frisks
  • Protests and Mass Demonstrations
  • Communications
  • Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring
  • Technical Assistance
  • Assessment
  • Implementation and Monitoring (Partial)


Collaborative Reform Initiative: An Assessment of the St. Louis County Police Department

Standing Rock, ND

Critical Response

  • Mass Demonstrations
  • Peer-to-Peer Exchanges



Tampa, FL Police Department

Critical Response

  • Bike Stops
  • Crime Analysis
  • Assessment
  • Data Analysis


An Examination of Racial Disparities in Bicycle Stops and Citations Made by the Tampa Police Department: A Technical Assistance Report

Tompkins County, NY Sheriff's Office

Critical Response

  • Barricade Incidents
  • Peer-to-Peer Exchanges
  • Consultation
  • Facilitated Discussions
  • Strategic Planning
  • Development of a Community Policing Plan



Waterloo, IA Police Department

Critical Response

  • Interactions with Minority Communities
  • Consultation



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Collaborative Reform Initiative for Technical Assistance Center (2024)


What is a collaborative reform initiative? ›

The Collaborative Reform Initiative (CRI) Program encompasses three components offering expert services to state, local, campus, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies, ranging in scope and complexity at the voluntary request of agencies.

What is CRI TAC? ›

The Collaborative Reform Initiative Technical Assistance Center. (CRI-TAC) provides no-cost customized technical assistance solutions designed to meet the unique needs of state, local, tribal, and campus communities throughout the United States. Services provided include: Resource Referral. Web-Based Training.

What is collaboration initiatives? ›

Collaborative initiatives encourage the cross-fertilization of ideas that can lead to innovation and new solutions to our complex problems. The reasons to engage in a collaborative initiative may be obvious, yet, how to measure its effects remains challenging.

What is reform initiative? ›

Reform Initiatives (RI) is a multi-thematic independent think-tank, specializing in non-partisan policy research, and advocacy.

What is the purpose of CRI? ›

Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a measurement of how natural colors render under an artificial white light source when compared with sunlight. The index is measured from 0-100, with a perfect 100 indicating that colors of objects under the light source appear the same as they would under natural sunlight.

What is CRI used for? ›

A color rendering index (CRI) is a quantitative measure of the ability of a light source to reveal the colors of various objects faithfully in comparison with a natural or standard light source.

What does the CRI do? ›

Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a way to measure a light source's distinctive attributes. It is an assessment of how the light source shows object colors "naturally" when compared to a familiar basis of reference, either incandescent light or daylight.

What is an example of collaborative government? ›

Collaborative governance has been used to address many complex social, environmental and urban planning issues, including: flood crisis management and urban growth management in Australia; community visioning and planning in New Zealand; and public participation in the redesign of the Ground Zero site in New York.

What is the purpose of the Reform Alliance Initiative? ›

REFORM Alliance seeks to transform probation and parole by changing laws, systems, and culture to create real pathways to work and well-being for individuals directly impacted by the criminal justice system.

What is the aim in a collaborative exchange? ›

there is a collaborative exchange of messages between communicators with the aim of understanding each other. ​

What is a collective impact initiative? ›

Collective impact is a network of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance equity by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems level change.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.