Kitchen Décor Secrets: How To Decorate Wall Behind Kitchen Sink | Tailored Canvases (2024)

A well-decorated kitchen not only reflects your unique personality and style but also creates a comfortable and welcoming environment. However, when it comes to kitchen décor, a common area that often gets overlooked is the wall behind the kitchen sink. This often-neglected space is ripe with potential and can be transformed with creativity and a splash of aesthetic brilliance.

Let’s unveil some kitchen décor secrets to enhance the visual appeal of your cooking haven by focusing on the wall behind the sink.

Unleashing the Power of Wall Art

Kitchen Décor Secrets: How To Decorate Wall Behind Kitchen Sink | Tailored Canvases (1)If You Cook It, Share It Kitchen Rules Sign II

Artwork in a kitchen might seem unconventional, but it's an excellent way to exhibit personal flair and enhance the atmosphere. Wall art adds depth to your kitchen design, creating an inviting and expressive space. To effectively utilize wall art behind the sink, you need to consider size, theme, and placement.

The size of the art should be in sync with the wall space you have. A smaller piece may look lost on a large wall, while an overly large piece may overwhelm the space. In terms of the theme, it should complement your kitchen's overall design and color scheme. Consider styles such as rustic, modern, minimalist, vintage, or country – depending on your kitchen's current theme.

Moreover, position the art carefully. Ensure it's visible, but not in a place where it might get splashed or steam-damaged. Waterproof frames or protective glass can be useful for this purpose.

Creating a Stir with Wall Décor

When it comes to kitchen décor, wall décor is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional. Decorative items can range from chic floating shelves showcasing your favorite dishware, to vintage-inspired clock designs or even a magnetic knife rack. The objective is to create a harmonious blend of form and function.

The wall behind the sink can be transformed into a creative focal point with the right wall décor. It can be turned into a herb garden, using wall-mounted planters, adding a touch of freshness and greenery. Alternatively, consider installing a pegboard to hang your favorite mugs or other small kitchen tools, offering an attractive, practical solution.

For a touch of elegance, decorative tiles can also be a great choice. Whether you prefer a sleek modern pattern or an intricate, vintage-inspired design, tiles can add a beautiful layer of texture and visual interest. They are also easy to clean and maintain, making them a smart and stylish choice for the area behind the kitchen sink.

Personalizing with Unique Signs

Kitchen Décor Secrets: How To Decorate Wall Behind Kitchen Sink | Tailored Canvases (2)The Kitchen Is The Heart Of Our Home Sign

Infusing your kitchen with personality can be accomplished by incorporating unique canvas signs. These customizable pieces offer a way to make a statement, while adding a layer of charm to your space.

Choose from inspirational quotes, family mottos, or even a fun, food-related pun that strikes your fancy. The beauty of canvas signs lies in their versatility and adaptability. They can blend seamlessly into any kitchen décor, from modern minimalism to rustic farmhouse chic. They also offer the opportunity to regularly update your kitchen’s look without committing to a complete overhaul. Durable and easy to clean, canvas signs can withstand the heat and humidity of the kitchen while retaining their vibrancy.

Ultimately, personalized canvas signs can make your kitchen feel like a true reflection of you, a place where your culinary creativity comes to life amidst décor that resonates with your individual style.

Tips for Combining Wall Art, Décor, and Personalized Signs

Now that we have explored the power of wall art, wall décor, and personalized signs, the next step is to harmoniously blend them for a visually pleasing result.

  1. Balance: Ensure there is a balance in your arrangement, whether it's the colors, sizes, or styles of the pieces you're incorporating. For example, if you have a large piece of wall art, balance it with smaller decor items or signs on the other side.

  2. Unity: While it's great to showcase variety, ensure there is a unifying theme. This could be a color scheme, style, or even the material of your décor items.

  3. Spacing: Pay attention to the spacing between items. They should be close enough to be viewed as a group, but not so close that they appear cluttered.

  4. Proportions: Consider the proportions of your wall and the items you are hanging. The scale of the items should complement the size of the wall.

In Conclusion

Kitchen Décor Secrets: How To Decorate Wall Behind Kitchen Sink | Tailored Canvases (3)The Family Recipe Sign II | Customizable Canvas

Sprucing up the wall behind your kitchen sink can dramatically transform your kitchen's aesthetics. By thoughtfully incorporating wall art, décor, and personalized signs, you can create a space that's truly your own. The journey of decorating your kitchen is one of creativity and personal expression. Take your time, experiment, and above all, enjoy the process.

On that note, there's a treasure trove of beautifully curated pieces available at Tailored Canvases. Whether you are seeking eye-catching wall art, stylish décor, or unique personalized signs, their selection is sure to help you create a kitchen space that reflects your individual style and personality.

Kitchen Décor Secrets: How To Decorate Wall Behind Kitchen Sink | Tailored Canvases (2024)


What do you put on the wall behind a sink? ›

Keep It Simple with a Backsplash - If you prefer a clean, classic look for the area above your kitchen sink, a backsplash is it. A backsplash with a glossy finish will reflect light to make your kitchen look brighter.

How to decorate behind sink with no window? ›

No Window Over Your Sink? No Problem! Here's What You Do Instead.
  1. Put up a mirror. A mirror is always going to be the next-best thing after a window. ...
  2. Hang some art. ...
  3. String up some plants. ...
  4. Go for open shelving. ...
  5. Install a fun backsplash.
May 3, 2017

What is the wall behind the kitchen sink called? ›

A backsplash is, essentially, an extension of your countertop. It can extend as low as a few inches off the wall or as high as the ceiling. The purpose of any kitchen backsplash is preventing water, grease, and other messes from damaging your walls, particularly behind stoves and sinks.

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A backsplash can extend a few inches high or it can go as high as the ceiling. A backsplash is primarily functional, secondarily aesthetic. The backsplash protects the wall behind the sink and counter against water damage from inadvertent splashing.

Should a kitchen sink face a window? ›

Placing the sink under a window allows you to take advantage of natural light, which can make your kitchen feel brighter and more welcoming. Natural light is also beneficial when you're washing dishes, as it can help you see any food particles or residue that may be left on your dishes.

Does the kitchen sink always need a window? ›

Sinks are usually in front of a window because there aren't any cabinets above it, making it easy to maneuver around,” said Christopher. “However, the sink can be placed elsewhere and still be very functional and beautiful. For example, a lot of time a sink in an island makes sense even when you have a window .”

How do you style a kitchen wall? ›

A simple coat of paint on one entire wall can transform an otherwise bland kitchen. Go for bold colors or toy with black and white hues to add impact to the space. You can even try adding small fixtures like a wall clock or pendant to finish off your kitchen walls.

How do you arrange pictures on a kitchen wall? ›

How to arrange pictures on a wall. As a rule of thumb, hanging pictures at eye level is a safe option. This generally means positioning the picture so its midpoint is 57-60 inches from the floor, depending on the ceiling height of the room – and your height, of course.

How can I make my empty wall look better? ›

Of course you could buy large pieces of art to fill space, but another option is to group art to give a large focal point to an otherwise bare wall. Whether it's two similar prints paired next to each other, or a scattering of small prints, or a gallery wall, art is a great way to liven up a blank space.

What is the most popular color for kitchen walls? ›

White is the most popular kitchen paint color by a long shot. It's neutral, timeless, and brightens up even the smallest apartment kitchens. But there's a reason that navy blue and sage green follow close behind: People love a pop of color, and these classic hues can act almost as neutrals.

What is the perfect wall color for a kitchen? ›

When it comes to kitchens, white, gray, blue, red, yellow, and green really shine. Each of these shades can do something different for the room, but they all help create a warm and welcoming space. Warmer colors such as red are believed to stimulate the appetite and are an excellent option for kitchens.

Do you put backsplash behind sink? ›

Technically, no, your kitchen sink does not necessarily need a backsplash. However, if you don't have one, expect the wall behind your kitchen sink to stay wet most of the time, which will lead to unsightly water damage and eventually repairs needing to be made to the drywall or plaster.

How do you fill a small gap between a sink and a wall? ›

Use Caulk for Small Gaps

Not only does caulking provide a clean, finished look, but it also prevents moisture and dust from accumulating in the gap. Ensure the surface is clean and dry before applying the caulk for the best adhesion.

How do you waterproof behind a sink? ›

An easy way to prevent water damage under your kitchen cabinets is to use caulk or a sealant to seal up the area around your sink.

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